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Cintamani (Saffordite/Arizonaïte)

A Jewel of Spiritual Ascension

Saffordite , also known as Cintamani , is a rare and enigmatic stone found exclusively in a small region of the Arizona desert, renowned for its intense sunlight and clear night skies. This mysterious stone is associated with high spiritual energies and powerful vibrational frequencies. Its Sanskrit name, Cintamani , means “wish-fulfilling jewel” or “stone of satisfaction,” and perfectly reflects its role in fulfilling one’s deepest spiritual desires.

Saffordite is considered one of the highest vibrational minerals, emanating a pure energy of Light and Love. It embodies the manifestation of the purity of the soul, serving as a mirror to the inner jewel , the “I AM” presence and the wholeness of being. By working with this stone, the veil of illusion is lifted, radically accelerating spiritual awakening and the call to divine mission. This makes it an ideal crystal for lightworkers and starseeds who are already engaged in their spiritual mission.

This powerful stone vigorously dissolves energetic implants, negative thought forms, emotional blockages and obsolete belief systems, allowing for deep alignment and purification.

Saffordite activates and aligns all 12 chakras, particularly opening the heart, third eye, crown, and five higher chakras above the head. It also stimulates the subtle bodies—astral, causal, spiritual—and balances all vibrational energies, facilitating a direct connection with the higher dimensions.

Saffordite is said to thrive in the light, constantly absorbing new waves of information emitted from and through our sun. It is a stone of transformation, helping to release that which no longer serves our spiritual evolution. Using Saffordite in meditation can bring about a profound release and elevation of consciousness for those who are ready to embrace their highest spiritual truth.

Outwardly, Saffordite is most often a deep black, although it can sometimes vary in shades of gray. However, one of the most fascinating characteristics of this stone is its translucency when exposed to light. Each stone is unique, with subtle patterns that seem to contain deep information encoded within its matrix, providing a fascinating visual and energetic experience.

As a high frequency talisman, Saffordite is well suited for those seeking a deeper connection with their divine mission or increased spiritual awakening. It helps to open and balance the energies of the body, allowing for a complete aura cleansing and vibrational elevation. Working with this stone can be a deeply liberating experience, if one is willing to let go of that which no longer serves one's spiritual and emotional well-being.

Saffordite is thus not only a rare and beautiful stone, but also an essential tool for those seeking to align their heart and mind with the purest energies of Light and Love.

CINTAMANI          (Saffordite/Arizonaïte)
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