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Bustamite carries a powerful energy inducing an intense connection with the Earth and facilitating Earth healing, repairing and reassigning the meridians of the earth's etheric body. Bustamite is often used in ceremonies and initiations. Excellent arranged in a network around a secure space in which one practices a ritual, an initiation or a meditation.
Excellent for meditation and can help meditate further than was possible before.
Stimulating conscious dreaming and intuition, strengthens channeling and access to angelic realms. Helps to maintain composure and create an inner harmony helping to move away from unharmonious experiences while remaining on the present physical plane. Facilitates physical withdrawal in the event of a harmful situation. transforms ideals and ideas into positive action. Dispels old pain, harmonizing the emotional energy system and healing cellular memory. Realigns the energy meridians of the physical body and the subtle bodies, allowing you to follow your path with more vitality. Pink, peach or brownish to red is well known for its high energy potency. It is a very powerful stone for all types of energy work. It can unlock the energy of a person, a particular chakra, an environment or a situation. Can help communicate with angels. Emotionally, Bustamite helps to feel safe, which can lead to many different types of emotional healing, including the removal of anxiety and stress.
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