This stone modulates vibrations of harmony at all levels of our being and our life. It harmonizes our different vibratory levels and all of our energy centers (chakras). It brings us inner stability and balance with the environment and people. Its action provides a solid foundation and is particularly suitable for unstable people who change their ideas, opinions or goals too frequently.
Its action helps the process of self-transformation towards realization. As this crystal remains malleable, this gives it the ability to help pursue a goal, to reach a goal by taking into account the hazards that could modify the course to reach this goal. It awakens the mediator in us and takes us out of the limitations of the past. Its energy power envelops our vibrational field to protect us from unwanted and disturbing invasions. It makes it possible to overcome useless fears by giving the strength to assert oneself. A stone of moderation, Galena calms hysteria, excessively violent emotions as well as resentment or the need for revenge. Its vibrations bring us a line of conduct by discarding all parasitic thoughts or thoughts that have become useless which become a source of suffering over time.
It allows us to listen to others, to have clear ideas while being decisive. It supports the consciousness of life in general, to better manage it in order to move forward. It promotes research and opens awareness so that ideas develop and bear fruit. It is an excellent grounding stone which is particularly suitable for people whose profession touches the intellect (doctors, homeopaths, acupuncturists, scientific researchers and others). For practitioners of different forms of magic or esoteric works, Galena is an excellent stone of protection.
Galena placed in the house is an impermeable shield against negative influences that does not let anything pass. Neither radioactive radiation nor X-rays are able to cross it, let alone harmful energies and bad spells.
NB Extremely toxic stone, use with caution. Wash hands after handling.

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