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Symbol of universal consciousness, this quartz guides us to the higher dimensions so that we find the true path of our Life. The multiple layers of phantom quartz take us through the different dimensions to plunge us into the depths of our wholeness in order to connect with the true forces of our Originality. The modulations of this quartz help to make the transitions that are necessary for us according to the different stages of our evolution. Ghost Quartz works is good for clearing our auric field and environment of negative energies. It can initiate communication with spirit guides, it helps us bring pure energy from the Soul level into the body, grounding the light body at the cellular level. It is a stone of communion with the Source. It can help to understand and manifest our soul purpose.

Ghost quartz is quartz that has developed in several stages, stopping its growth and then resuming it, under the effect of pressure, temperature or changing gas differences during its formation. This stop leaves traces and sometimes various minerals are deposited on it during this time. In general this quartz is translucent with inclusions testifying to the various stages of its growth. The ghost is usually white, pale gray or light beige, but sometimes it is green. It is then a ghost of chlorite, carrying a lively and generous intelligence, with intense healing effects. Phantom quartz helps to recover the memory of our past lives. Moreover, it helps to detect the conflicting fixation points of childhood. This stone becomes very useful for overcoming limitations and fears. Ghost quartz helps to find the way to self-confidence. It emits vibrations that allow the realization of things that were thought impossible.

The vibrations of this quartz activate our inner strength, protect against harmful environmental influences, purify dwelling places and clarify the mind. It is an excellent guide when traveling in the astral. Promotes telepathy, channeling and can facilitate distant healing. Its modulations act on all the chakras and the subtle bodies. Ghost quartz emits waves that help control several types of addictions (drugs, alcohol, etc.).

A phantom quartz is chosen with great care. Once acquired, it becomes a friend, a personal tool that harmonizes with our energy. Its different layers represent the multiple phases of spiritual development and remind us of the journey through the many lifetimes of the soul to achieve expanded spiritual awareness. When the ghost is white, it accelerates the transmission of light and information between the higher worlds and Earth, opening the receiver to healing over an immense distance and in infinite time. It is especially useful for contacting guides, stimulates clairaudience, intensifies meditation, clearing grounded patterns.

Quartz Fantôme
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Phantom Quartz
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