Muscovite is the most common form of micas. Mystical stone endowed with strong angelic connections, stimulates the consciousness of the higher self. Used to interrogate the future, connects to higher spiritual realms. Stimulates the heart chakra, facilitates astral travel and activates intuition and psychic vision.
Recognizes the flaws of humanity while fostering unconditional love and acceptance. Reflects the image like a mirror and allows its projections to be recognized - the unrecognized parts of the self that are held to be 'outside'. Help to understand what we do not like in others is in fact what we cannot accept in ourselves. Facilitates the integration and transformation of these characteristics.
Decreases tension in the physical body and aligns the subtle bodies and meridians with it, balancing it.
Muscovite disperses insecurity, self-doubt and awkwardness. Useful for dyspraxics and those who confuse left and right. Eliminates anger and nervous stress. conferring flexibility on all planes of being. Lets look with joy to the future and the past, to evaluate the lessons learned. By allowing to see oneself with the eyes of others, muscovite helps to change the image shown to the outside world.
Helps in exploring painful feelings.
Muscovite facilitates problem solving stimulates agility of mind, helps the clear expression of thoughts and feelings.
Physically speaking, improves outward appearance, giving shine to hair and eyes.
Allows the body to reach a suitable weight.

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