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Icefire quartzes are part of the Lemurian seed crystal generation. They carry within them the cosmic fire of transformation that accelerates the awakening of our spiritual purpose. Absorbing light energy from the sun, they transmit healing energy into the deep heart of Mother Earth and humanity.

They reinvigorate Earth's light grid and enrich our planet by providing an energy source for transformation of life. These crystals are particularly beneficial for spiritual manifestation through strong resonance with the magnetic energy of the Universal Divine Feminine...the law of attraction.
These crystals are obtained by heat treatment at very high temperatures, then quickly cooled in cold water which provides the cracked effect. These crystals are found with inclusions that reproduce the effect that the gel creates. Icefire quartz crystals are considered Master crystals. The countless inclusions create rainbows inside the crystals that elevate the vibrations of the quartz and facilitate its multidimensional work. 
Each Ice Fire quartz is a source of great wonders, but few people take the time to appreciate all the energy present in this crystal. It provides the energy to raise our vibration rate at all levels of our being. It is a stone of profound initiation and acceleration that breaks through old patterns to expose the soul's purposes for creating and manifesting our deeper reality.
Its vibrations activate our vision center and enhance our insight. This crystal creates infinite possibilities through its connection to multidimensional realities and the expansion of our consciousness. 
It has inner configurations that relate to shamanic work that can be intuitively read for soul transformation and recovery. 
These special crystals possess a powerful life force perhaps one of the strongest in the crystalline world. This quartz is connected to the spirit of the Earth. Which makes the life force coming from the Earth even more present than in any other crystal. 
The high vibration of this quartz allows the veils between the worlds to be lifted so that spiritual energies can flow into our environment. This stone carries within it bioscalar energies which are waves for multidimensional intracellular healing at all levels. 
Which helps reconfigure the endocrine system and neurotransmitters so that higher energy downloads can be more easily integrated and assimilated. It is particularly beneficial during these periods of increased solar activity where these downloads are more intense in our world.

Quartz Feu de Glace
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