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Energy and Healing Amplifiers

Vogel Quartz are uniquely cut crystals created by scientist and crystallography researcher Marcel Vogel, who has worked his entire life on the therapeutic aspects of crystal shapes and vibrations. These double-terminated quartzes, often cut into 12 or 24 faces, have a sacred geometry that allows for better reception of energies as well as a powerful amplification of vibrations. This particular shape creates a waveform that Marcel Vogel believes can be used for healing, meditation, rituals and spiritual development.

Marcel Vogel, who worked at IBM for 27 years, discovered that natural quartz, when cut to specific proportions, emits a vibration that amplifies the powers of the human mind. He said: "Natural quartz is a neutral object whose internal structure offers a state of perfection and balance. When it is cut properly and when the human mind enters into relationship with its structural perfection, quartz emits a vibration that expands and amplifies the powers of the human mind." Vogel's quartz then functions like a laser, irrigating a coherent and focused energy.

Each Vogel quartz, cut from a premium quality quartz, is shaped in the natural growth direction of the quartz to avoid energy deviations. This precision in cutting helps preserve the integrity of the energies emitted. According to Marcel Vogel, this ordered structure creates an energetic laser effect, an energy field so coherent that it amplifies and directs energies in a much more powerful way than ordinary crystals.

Vogel quartz are versatile and powerful tools, used in several areas:

Energy healing : thanks to their amplification capacity, they can, according to Marcel Vogel, “repair” energy structures, even DNA. They allow a resonance between the crystalline systems of quartz and those of the human body, promoting healing by energy transfer.

Meditation : Their vibrations support energetic alignment, allowing a deeper connection with spiritual consciousness.

Ritual and evolutionary work : the sacred geometry of Vogel quartz makes them ideal for energy rituals and personal development, allowing access to universal frequencies still little explored by science.

Vogel Quartz should be used to accomplish a single task at a time, amplifying intent and healing energies in a targeted manner. Their ability to accept and amplify a healing thought form makes them an ideal medium for working with higher dimensional energies, facilitating mind transformation and healing.

According to Dr. Tiller, Vogel Quartz emits a form of magnetoelectric (ME) energy that is distinct from the electromagnetic energy of physical polarity. This ME energy is associated with spiritual polarity, an ordered etheric field similar to that of a magnetic field. In the same way that the magnetic field generates electricity, the crystal field may well hold the key to new forms of etheric energies that have not yet been tapped.

Each individual has a unique energetic “filter”, a personal codification that modulates information coming from the universe and from ancestral memories or past incarnations. Vogel quartz, although not programmed themselves, are able to synchronize with the specific codes of the crystalline theme, thus promoting an alignment with the most appropriate healing energies.

In summary, Vogel Quartzes are much more than just crystals: they are a bridge between science and the spiritual, an amplifier of healing energies, and a tool for transformation. By using them with love and intention, we can harmonize our energies with those of the universe, access profound healing patterns, and support our spiritual evolution within the human multidimensional framework.

Quartz Vogel
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