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Origin Arizona

Elestial Angel Calcite aka (or "White Moldavite") is a connecting stone with the Angelic world.

Although the only thing these crystals physically have in common with real Moldavite is their wrinkled outer texture, their high vibrations make them a naturally harmonious companion to accompany Moldavite, Azeztulite and most other stones possessing high vibrations.

This calcite is among the calcites those which have the strongest vibrations. With the amount of energy it emanates this stone improves communication between heart and mind. Its energy moves in a continuous loop, which builds an ever-increasing connection between the mental and emotional bodies.
The use of Elestial Angel Calcite aka on the third eye creates an activation of the prefrontal lobes, the most advanced parts of the brain, which we have not yet learned to use fully. This may initially be felt as a rhythmic pulsation in the head, but over time it may facilitate deeper activation, which may initiate new or more sensitive paranormal abilities. 
The activation of this area facilitates the activation of several of our latent abilities, including communication with the Angels. This stone has a natural affinity with the high subtle vibrations of the angelic realms, and it brings us to live this wonderful experience with the realm of Angels. This stone stimulates one's ability to hear the "music of the spheres" - the amazing harmonies of the "singing" of angelic beings in the higher dimensions.
Elestial Angel Calcite Aka awakens our inner vision to better see and interact with the beings that exist at this level. Elestial aka Angel Calcite is an inner gateway stone, opening conscious access to our inner space where the spiritual and physical worlds overlap. 
It exercises its action in the field of shamanic journeys, meetings with spiritual guides, Devas and other spiritual beings such as the Archetypes. For those who like to explore the inner worlds, and who wish to understand their effects on this world, aka Elestial Calcite is a wonderful help. 
This inter-dimensional connecting stone helps us receive the inner guidance that allows us to tune into the highest realms of spiritual Light.

Calcite Ange Elestial
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