AFRICAN JADE (Buddstone)
African jade is excellent for grounding the distracted, as it opens the earth star chakra and helps to ground oneself in the core of the planet. Activating the alta major chakra, helps deal with the practical aspects of everyday reality and stimulates growth via the physical world. Placed behind the ears, opens the inner ear and attunes to the voice of spirit, higher self and intuition - helping to find the right path. Assists understanding of the noises the body makes when receiving subtle signals, bringing order out of chaos, eliminating environmental negativity. Placed at his feet during meditation, suggests practical solutions, Passing this stone around the biomagnetic field removes subtle hindrances to growth. cleans and purifies the energies allowing you to progress at the right pace. Promotes the circulation of energy or fluids in the body fortifying the qi.
Effective if the path of the soul requires working in the commercial world to bring clarity and foster ethical decisions, this stone facilitates transactions and negotiations requiring finesse and perception.
Unites a group towards a common goal. With his help, we perfectly avoid pitfalls and come to a happy conclusion.