Aura Quartzes are innovations of modern technology, but rely on the ancient powers of alchemy and synergy to activate their mystical power. Electrostatically bonding the precious minerals to the surface of the crystals elevates the underlying vibration. Aura opal, ruby and rose are formed from platinum, aqua is formed from gold, sunny from gold and platinum, tanzine, gold and indium.
Quartz Auras activate the light body and anchor it in the physical body, arranged along the chakras like a rainbow, the various colors raise the vibratory rate of the chakras to satisfy a higher level of consciousness.
The synergistic energy of quartz stimulates the vibration of physical bodies and crystalline healing networks, but these stones must be used with care.
Most work at higher vibrational levels to accelerate soul evolution through emotional release and karmic healing.
As these synergistic crystals contain a high degree of vital forces, they stimulate the immune and energy systems throughout the body by rapidly detoxifying and increasing the flow of qi to improve overall well being.
Aura Quartz is a base for spiritual alchemy and powerful tools for guidance and soul expansion.
These crystals deepen sensitivity and prepare for an influx of expanded consciousness.
Quartz Auras activate the light body and anchor it in the physical body, arranged along the chakras like a rainbow, the various colors raise the vibratory rate of the chakras to satisfy a higher level of consciousness.
The synergistic energy of quartz stimulates the vibration of physical bodies and crystalline healing networks, but these stones must be used with care.
Most work at higher vibrational levels to accelerate soul evolution through emotional release and karmic healing.
As these synergistic crystals contain a high degree of vital forces, they stimulate the immune and energy systems throughout the body by rapidly detoxifying and increasing the flow of qi to improve overall well being.
Aura Quartz is a base for spiritual alchemy and powerful tools for guidance and soul expansion.
These crystals deepen sensitivity and prepare for an influx of expanded consciousness.
Aqua aura is a combination of rock crystal and pure gold, artificially created in the laboratory by taking natural quartz crystal formations and enlivening them with pure gold, covering them with golden fumes. It is created in a vacuum chamber from quartz and vapor gold crystals by a process known as "vapor deposition". The quartz is heated to 871°C in a vacuum, then the gold vapor added to the chamber. The gold atoms fuse on the surface of the crystal, which gives it metallic reflections.
Flame quartz has an intense energy reflecting this alchemical process which amalgamates titanium and niobium with pure quartz.
Aura opal quartz has a paler rainbow color than that produced by platinum.
Rose quartz for the aura is formed through the amalgamation of quartz and platinum.
Aura Golden Tangerine Quartz is a bright orange crystal with a base of gold and platinum.
Siberian Blue quartz is a brilliant blue crystal made in the laboratory from quartz and cobalt.
Tanzine quartz for the aura is formed from gold and Indium.

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