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Selenite , one of the most ancient and powerful crystals, is particularly prized for its alignment with new energies. Its name is inspired by the Greek goddess Selene, associated with the White Moon, symbol of purity, perfection and benevolence. This crystal embodies peace and serenity, acting as a mirror of the Universal Mother, spreading a soothing and secure atmosphere wherever it is placed.

Energy Purification and Protection : Selenite is known for its ability to cleanse stagnant energies, purify the environment, and detach entities from the vibrational field. It is also an effective tool for cleansing other crystals, strengthening their energies by eliminating negative vibrations. Placed in a living space, it brings a serene atmosphere, calming agitation and dispelling anger.

This crystal acts on erratic emotions, dispersing and stabilizing them. It eliminates emotional darkness and helps clarify thoughts, promoting introspection and self-analysis. By allowing awareness of inappropriate thought patterns, selenite helps dissolve limiting beliefs and external influences, particularly those related to karma. Its purification vibration makes it a powerful support for freeing oneself from karmic imprints and restoring energy balance.

The vibrational modulations of selenite facilitate connection with the spiritual planes and access to higher dimensions. It helps develop intuition, refine telepathic abilities, and expand consciousness. Used in meditation, it allows one to explore past and future lives, while anchoring the light body in the current incarnation. Selenite also supports the connection between the spiritual and material planes, making it an excellent tool for energy and spiritual healers.

Physical Alignment and Flexibility : On a physical level, selenite helps align the spine and improve the flexibility of the body. It is also known for its protective effects against certain epileptic seizures and poisoning, particularly mercury. In addition, it helps reverse the effects of free radicals, thus slowing down cellular aging.

Support for maternal and child care : The gentle lunar energies of Selenite make it an ideal stone for maternal care and for protecting children. It brings a sense of security and comfort, promoting a caring and protective environment.

Meditation and Spiritual Work : Selenite is a powerful tool to accompany meditation and spiritual work. Holding a polished wand or pebble of Selenite allows one to connect to higher spiritual planes and restore connection with one's essential nature. It helps one recognize and understand the goals of the soul's journey, while providing clarity of mind.

Space and Crystal Cleansing : Combined with Stibnite, Selenite is particularly effective for cleansing a space, body or object of negative energies and harmful entities. It quickly disperses stagnant energies and establishes lasting energetic harmony.

Selenite is much more than just a healing crystal. Its ability to purify, harmonize, and elevate energies makes it an essential tool for anyone looking to improve their spiritual connection, balance their energies, and soothe their environment. Whether for meditative work, energetic cleansing, or therapeutic accompaniment, selenite offers powerful support, anchoring the light body in embodiment while facilitating the understanding of spiritual truths.

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