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Cintamani (Saffordite/Arizonaite)

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The Saffordite stone found only in a very small radius in the Arizona desert. This region is famous for its strong sunshine and the depth of its night sky. Others have also called these stones Cintamani: Cintamani, a Sanskrit word meaning "wish-fulfilling gem", or satisfying stones. They thrive in light and constantly absorb new waves of information from and through our sun. Has one of the highest vibrational frequencies of any mineral, emanating pure Light and Love and manifesting purity of the soul. It is a reflection of the inner jewel, of the I AM presence and of the totality of being. Lifting the veil and radically advancing both the spiritual heart and the highest calling, it is ideal for lightworkers and starseeds who are already fulfilling their divine mission. Vigorously dissolves implants, negative thought forms, emotional blockages and outdated belief systems. Aligns the 12 chakras while opening the heart, eyebrows, crown and 5 chakras above the head. Likewise, all the subtle bodies are balanced, with the astral, causal, spiritual and spiritual bodies being stimulated.

Visually are most often deep black, although they can extend into grays. However, the biggest surprise is when saffordite is backlit it is translucent!

Each is unique, with occasional patterns of information inserted deep into the matrix. It is one of the most vibrant stones. They radiate a purity of Light and Love that touches the heart of the soul. Working with Saffordite stones can be deeply liberating if we are willing to let go of what no longer serves us.

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