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Stimulating dreams and their recall, in addition to encouraging their realization, helps the communication of intuitive vision and intensifies the capacity to organize and express one's thoughts. Very motivating, helps the person whose energies are scattered or exhausted by life to recover their strength and concentration.
Balances the telluric forces and hunts the bad waves in the houses.

Vanadinite vibrates with the energy of the cosmos.
The sparkling orange energy of this gem offers the ability to channel inspirational works.
This stone can help us remember why we are here on the planet at this time.

With this stone in hand, meditate to remember our sacred contract and the purpose of your life.
Then use it to help us take action and realize what we have come to realize.
It is used for the disintegration of emotional states that have been firmly established in the navel and root chakras. Instead of total disintegration, it destabilizes the negativity associated with difficult memories or experiences.
This stone therefore helps us to reintegrate the lessons learned from the experience, which then makes us a much more powerful person.

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