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Tugtupite is a rare and beautiful stone, it is quite expensive but those who love magenta and darkness won't be able to avoid it!
Greenland tugtupite is richly colored and valued as a gemstone. Its name comes from the Inuit word tuttup which means “reindeer blood”.
For those who : 
are ready for a personal paradigm shift; for those who want to open up to other dimensions of themselves; to be the actor of his own transmutation, to transform darkness into light by integrating them into his essence. "
Tugtupite intensifies its color when exposed to a UV light source and is very reactive to sunlight. Usually it takes no more than simple exposure to the sun for its color to become denser and darker, more magenta. 

Meditating with a tugtupite is a unique experience, because all of our energy is put in vibration, and if we devote a little time to it we capture the signature of tenebrescence, this infinite potentiality of transformation thanks to light. When we have accomplished the work of stabilizing our emotions, of deconditioning the obscuring thought forms, of sincerely opening the heart, we are then ready to move on to a new evolutionary stage of our consciousness, an inner paradigm shift. 
Tugtupite helps to transform, to challenge conceptual limitations regarding love, a larger and boundless experience of compassion and equanimity, an extraordinarily complete openness.

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