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Malkhan Tourmaline

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or Rubellite Malkhan

It comes in different shades of red, sometimes going as far as pink or purple, and which are linked to traces of manganese. It is energizing for the body, gives a lot of energy. It activates the base chakra in direct connection with the heart chakra. Its energy connects us to wisdom and compassion while stimulating receptivity to healing energies.
Rubellite helps reactivate the heart chakra when it has closed itself off following a love injury, negligence, renunciation of love or fears that one may have regarding the feeling of love. . It will therefore treat the emotional wounds. This beautiful stone that brings bad memories of childhood on the maternal or feminine side. Its action also allows us to reach out to others and give the best of ourselves.
It encourages the exteriorization of feelings, even an invigorating and joyful exuberance. She fights gloom. Looking at it, living with it, invites us to get out of our fears, our inhibitions. It gently and deeply stimulates interest in life. It is the symbol of peace, relaxation, serenity and vitality. 
It also has an antidepressant effect and it is useful in periods of depression or discouragement. It protects against negative radiation such as X-rays. Applied to the 3rd eye, it strengthens memory and acts against dizziness. It is useful for therapists to refine the reading of the aura. 

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