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Serifos Quartz (or Prase Quartz) Rare


Contains fine Actinolite needles.

Rich in Hedenbergite extremely rare and powerful spiritual healer. Hedenbergite is a mineral of transition and transformation, aiding the progression from one state to another. It merges the extremes of life to bring about a synthesis of opposing forces to accelerate ease of development. As a healing ally, Hedenbergite releases energetic debris and heart chakra trauma that previously could not be released. It spirals like a double helix or DNA patterns and draws to the surface all that prevents the heart from connecting, loving and sharing, while working with the spirit of the specifics of the heart. Hedenbergite is very protective in nature and, like Actinolite, provides the user with “psychic body armor” and creates an assemblage point of newly found security for emotional healing of the heart to begin. Green Serifos Quartz facilitates communication with the angelic and devic realms. It is an excellent tool for delivering pure, healing energy to specific areas of the body. Through his ability to channel healing energies directly from the devic realms. he is a particularly good ally for Earth healing or working with healing plants. Green Serifos Quartz is useful for healing the heart. It activates and energizes the Base Chakra and the Heart Chakra, allowing us to be more loving towards life, including our physical body.

It is a powerful stone for working with natural entities and energies, including plant devas and animal and mineral consciousness.

We can use it to remove psychic hooks and cords from the emotional body, and seal auric leaks that can lead to emotional exhaustion.

Green Serifos Quartz can be used to etherically cauterize wounds, perform psychic surgery.

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