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Rhodonite Pyramid (Peru)

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Pierre in resonance with the center of the heart so that we find the path of love, it encourages altruism, generosity and fraternity. It brings the vibrations needed to undo patterns of self-destruction, co-dependency and harmful treatments. It puts a balm on the traumatic wounds of the past and encourages forgiveness. During emotional emergency, trauma and panic, it promotes a return to calm. It helps to reach our highest potential while helping to balance the feminine and the masculine. The being finds his spirit and thus approaches his soul. Very useful in times of convalescence, as it brings confidence on the road to recovery. It is the stone of states of emotional shock. Hold it tight against you in emergency situations. If you have trouble falling asleep, take it in your hands, put it on your heart and let yourself be overwhelmed by this sweet feeling of being rocked. Rhodonite returns insults and prevents retaliation, acknowledging that revenge is self-destructive and prompting to remain calm in dangerous and upsetting situations.
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