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Pendulum Super seven (Silver Chain)

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Also called: sacred stone (or 7 chakras), melodious stone or Stone of the seers.
The Super Seven is an extremely soothing and nourishing crystal. It is a stone sought after by all who work in energies and spiritual development. 
This crystal of high spirituality, powerful and of a very high vibrational frequency, has the ability to break down the barriers that slow down our evolution, making it a tool of choice for awakening and self-transformation. It is the stone par excellence of the well-being of the soul. It combines the properties of amethyst, smoky quartz, rutile, quartz, goethite, lepidocrocite and cacoxenite. 
Which gives it a high vibration. This mixture of 7 stones is in contact with the guides of each of these components. 7 messages that come together, like the 7 colors of the rainbow forming the white light that creates an ark of the covenant, a bridge to our greater Self. It ensures the link between our earthly life (incarnation) and our highest vibrational nature (celestial life). A way of connecting the I AM to the bodily presence. 
It works simultaneously on the Celesto-terrestrial anchorage. 
This stone re-informs our body, of our luminous and divine nature. A re-information not mental but cellular. Its action allows us to integrate the highest aspects of our higher self to the depths of our density. This connection can be felt physically by the sensation that all our channels dilate to let the information pass, each part of the body widens to let itself be filled by this luminous message. It is an exhilarating experience to meet a stone possessing this vibratory quality that connects us to ourselves. An experience that refocuses and helps to live more and more fully according to our true nature. The modulations of this stone act in order to develop more quickly the faculties of extrasensory perceptions in session on the 3rd eye, in meditation by holding a crystal in each hand with the fingertips. 
This stone opens the Crown Chakra to facilitate the passage of cosmic energies. The central channel is purified and widened little by little by the daily use of this stone. On the heart chakra, gently dissipates the veils that block access to our sacred Temple. The nature of this stone makes it an extremely purifying tool, which balances and energizes our whole being both physically and the subtle planes. A work difficult to perceive at first sight because not related to the personality. Which recreates the direct connection with the 7th sphere, the Violet Flame and Master Saint Germain. 
The Super Seven is one of the stones best suited to help its wearer in the transition phases resulting from the various vibratory, ascensional and inter-dimensional changes of the New Energy.
The Super Seven helps us access the 12 sacred galactic rays and their multiple sub-rays. It restores or strengthens and increases the connection with the Soul Self, the Higher and Celestial Self, the Angelic realms and the feminine aspects of Divinity (Isis, Kuan Yin, Mary, Nefertiti, Abundantia, Lakshmi…). The vibrations of this stone create a great energy shield. It has the ability to send any attack back to its sender. Anything resembling a malevolent attack is averted.
This stone allows you to free yourself from mental confusion, fears, anxieties, doubts and prejudices. It brings great clarity of mind, openness to new knowledge, the abandonment of erroneous or obsolete ideas and beliefs. It removes all stress, establishes calm, peace and confidence in life.
Super Seven stimulates the body's healing abilities, immune system and activates source cell memory.
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