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Cut and polished in the shape of an eye, it is called according to Indian tradition 'Eye of Shiva' or 'Eye of Cyclops'. These splendid representations of the eye of Shiva are sardonyxes cut in the shape of a cabochon representing an eye. It is the perfect stone for protection, seeing all that we cannot perceive. It increases our intuition and our feelings while protecting us. It is used to repel harmful and harmful energies. It helps to prevent psychic attacks. When the eye of Shiva is focused on us, it helps to stimulate psychic abilities and develop awareness of the Divine without losing connection to the Earth.

This stone helps us to keep balance when emotions disturb us too much. The eye of Shiva in sardonyx, besides its inherent qualities, helps us to have a sharp eye to facilitate and cause clairvoyance!

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Eye of Shiva
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Eye of Shiva
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Eye of Shiva
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Eye of Shiva
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