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Lodolite, also called chaman dream quartz, is a variety of quartz with inclusions from Brazil. These inclusions are mainly composed of chlorite associated with various iron oxides.
Each stone is unique and different, you can admire splendid landscapes resembling coral reefs. The colors can vary and go from green to brown, from pink to yellow, from brick red to white and even merge into a multitude of different tones. 
Looking into this stone is said to bring us a cosmic shift in consciousness. It harmonizes the higher vibrational energies of the aura, light body or subtle bodies. 
The vibrations that this stone emits helps us to connect to higher dimensions and improves communication with beings in spiritual planes. It helps connect us with the energies in the animal kingdom. It increases our extrasensory abilities. She aids in retrieving knowledge of past lives of the Holder. Which helps ease the emotional pain of past events. 

Lodolite also aids in the transition to future life. 
This splendid quartz is considered by shamans to be a powerful ally for all types of healing. Shamans use this quartz to induce visionary experiences. 
It is a very useful stone during meditation to reach deep levels inside us. The modulations of the lodolite induce a deep state of relaxation which can go as far as helping to fall asleep. 
This stone also aids in lucid dreaming by enhancing the user's sensitivity to the energies encountered in dreams. Another metaphysical use of lodolite is to bring in the energies needed to effect the manifestation of our desires or ideals that we desire to achieve and see materialized in our lives.
This quartz can be used to help us focus and to amplify our thoughts or intentions. It helps to harmonize the soul, body and spirit. This stone helps build self-esteem and is useful for shy or intimidated people. It improves psychic awareness. 
Shaman's Dream Quartz has a fantastic healing vibration that comes from combining the qualities of Clear Quartz with the additional vibrations of the inclusions trapped within it which makes Lodolite very valuable for Reiki healing sessions and healing sessions. energy work sessions of all kinds. It helps to maintain the connection between the physical and etheric planes which nourishes our healing potential and allows us to be free from fear.

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