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HACKMANITE (Red Sodalite)


Discovered for the first time in Greenland in 1896,

It is a unique stone because it has a unique optical property called “tenebrescence”. When stones are exposed to different forms of light, they can temporarily change color. While hackmanite crystals are typically pink to purple in hue, sunlight quickly fades them to gray or greenish white, and they gradually return to their natural color. Hackmanite is sought after by collectors because of its darkness.

Hackmanite facilitates access to the Crown Chakra while improving brain capacity. One can see the power of the human spirit, which can lead us to a portal of higher knowledge of celestial entities, and our own spirit guides and guardian angels, and provide us with this elevated wisdom. This unique mineral helps you decode not only the visuals in your own visions, but also the symbolism in your dreams. These are indicators that guide you in the direction your mind wants to take.

Hackmanite is a mineral that naturally connects our mind and throat. This connection encourages us to communicate and express our particular thoughts, feelings, and desires.

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