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Dioptase (Congo)

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Dioptase occurs as very small prismatic hexagonal crystals on a matrix, or as a non-crystalline mass. It is a copper-based stone that is found in the same areas as other copper-based stones, and it can sometimes occur as an inclusion in calcite. Its colors range from turquoise blue or blue-green through emerald green, and it often grows near Malachite.
It is a powerful stone for awakening love and compassion. Its qualities make it a wonderful tool for healing emotional distress. The magnificent green ray of dioptase brings great softness to even the hardest stony heart on many levels.

If we feel like we're stuck and struggling to move forward in our lives, this beautiful stone may be just what we need. It allows us to let go of the past and through its vibration of compassion and forgiveness brings the soul to vibrate at the highest level. Those things that have kept us from living a full life are released through the energy of its gentle green ray.
Dioptase supports the emotional heart, strengthens the physical heart and awakens the spiritual heart. This beautiful green stone vibrates at the thymus and heart chakras. Its vibrations create an appropriate environment to encourage us to be aware of the presence of abundance and wealth in our lives. It recreates in us a special link with divine Providence. This allows us to stop the worries and hassles to live fully in the present moment. 
It brings an awareness of the past in order to lead us to welcome what is beautiful, good and true for us. Associating ourselves with the energy of a dioptase allows us to open our inner eyes, the eyes of the heart and allows us to turn our gaze towards our highest ideals to allow them to come true. Its great gentleness helps us free ourselves from the different emotional patterns that have taken place in our lives. It allows us to understand the roles we played in these past events as well as the roles of others in our lives. The energy of this crystal allows us to see the truth in the relationships we have with others, and to change the dynamics of them. Dioptase allows us to free ourselves from the toxic and abusive relationships we have with another person, so that both of us can move forward in our lives. It helps to heal the wounds of our inner child to welcome joy back into our lives.
It is an excellent companion stone to help emotionally during separations such as death or divorce. With her comforting ability, she is a great help in going through any intense family trauma. To those who have been victims of a painful situation to forget their suffering and to move forward on the path of healing. 
Dioptase reduces fatigue and helps us overcome the various shocks we experience. It is particularly effective in overcoming addictions and stress.
The use of this stone in a meditation erases from our aura all the negative emotions that we have felt and accumulated. It fills in us the voids left by love and light.

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