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Rare and deeply spiritual, Creedite is a stone of light, known for its high vibrational frequency.

Its powerful energy quickly activates the third eye, crown and etheric chakras above the head, creating a gentle expansive awareness and cleansing euphoria. Continued resonance with this stone deepens connection through the body and provides excellent channels for meditation, creative visualization, and receiving inspiration from the Divine.
Creedite is a powerful guardian of spiritual health and a facilitator for accessing and understanding ancient knowledge encoded in Atlantean records and Lemurian seed crystals.

La Creedite helps follow through on plans and decisions that have been repeatedly postponed. In the workplace, a Creedite ensures things get done.
In addition to the properties common to all creedite crystals, the following colors have additional properties:

Creedite Orange stimulates creative vision and is an excellent crystal for raising the vibration of the workspace. Its cluster formation radiates energy to the surrounding space, absorbing and cleansing negative energies.

This stone will purify other crystals but will need to be cleansed afterwards. The Creedite promotes success in the professional career .

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