Ancestralite is a powerful stone, anchored in the depths of earthly energies and imbued with ancestral memories. It is prized for its unique ability to bring to the surface buried issues from the past, whether they are memories from past lives or memories from the ancestral lineage. By helping to reveal these traumas, Ancestralite allows the user to address them, process them and, most importantly, heal them. This process thus releases the karmic energies that have accumulated, allowing for a deep spiritual cleansing.

Ancestralite’s frequency resonates with the Earth Star and the base chakras, making it an exceptional grounding stone. By connecting to these energy centers, it helps to clear traces of trauma, drama, and deep-rooted emotions, often passed down through generations within the family line. However, far from simply removing these memories, Ancestralite retains the teachings and spiritual wisdom they contain. These precious elements can then be integrated into present and future actions, literally lighting the way for the user as well as for generations to come.

Due to its high iron content, Ancestralite is also known for its physical benefits, including its support for the blood and circulatory system. It is often used in lithotherapy for its regenerative and vitality-enhancing properties, thus contributing to better physical and energetic balance.

Thus, Ancestralite is much more than just a healing stone; it is a guide to liberation from the chains of the past, while allowing one to retain spiritual learning.

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