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*MOQUIS (left)

Shaman Stones have been known as Native American energy stones for centuries. For them this name (Moqui) means faithful friend, companion or lover.
For Native Americans, they keep false friends and evil at bay. They would also protect against fire, floods, earthquakes and lightning. They maintain vital energy and happiness in the family.
The Moquis are part of the heart of Mother Earth; they have existed since creation and do not recur. As every being cannot exist without a heart, our Mother Earth cannot survive without these energy stones. But the Moquis don't just generate energy. They are also stones of information and catalysts. The Moquis remind us of our responsibility to respect and love nature, stones, animals and our neighbors, because otherwise our world could not survive either.
They are living stones and, as in all living beings, there are males (rougher and flatter stone) and females (softer and rounder stone). These stones are usually sold and used in male/female pairs. Its use is recommended for all, bringing knowledge to the user of both ancient and future means that allows him to fully accomplish himself. These stones have the main properties of rebalancing the energies of the body as well as the polarity of the different parts of the body. They will realign the different energy bodies.

*PINAS (in the center)

Pinas are recommended only to those who have already acquired experience with first Moquis, then Bojis, because of their power,

Mainly made of iron and sandstone, (the Pinas are covered with pyrite) this sacred stone according to an ancient legend would be used during a ritual to receive in it messages from beings from other planes mainly from deceased parents in order to make know they were in the afterlife.

* BOJIS (Shaman Stones) (right)

Boji stones are the most effective, highly protective grounding stones. Boji stones are particularly helpful in overcoming blockages in the physical or subtle bodies and blocked emotions and healing painful memories. They also dissolve negative thought patterns and self-defeating behaviors for transformation. Always used in pairs, in each pair there is a male (Yang: rougher and flatter stone) and a female (Yin: softer and rounder stone).
They are powerful. Realign the different energy bodies. Rebalance our polarity, and increase our vibratory rate. The electromagnetic field created, connects the etheric body to the physical body and cleans the aura while plugging the leaks. These stones have the main properties of rebalancing the energies of the body, often manifesting themselves by vibrations, tingling or tingling in the hands as well as by a feeling of heat.

*® by Boji Inc.
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