Crystal skulls are powerful energy vessels. They receive and store energies and information and retransmit it. Each skull holds within it the essence of a crystalline guide. Thus the skull becomes an excellent companion for our evolution since it facilitates the connection with one of our spiritual guides. Using a crystal skull fosters this special bond with our guides.
The crystal skull becomes a magnificent tool for communicating between the worlds, a kind of passage leading to other dimensions, a means of communication with the spirit world and the ancestors. Any crystal skull is endowed with magical powers that create the ability to produce holographic images regarding the knowledge and wisdom of past, present and future humanity. They also emit a frequency called the Earth Frequency. Crystal skulls radiate radiant psychic energy and have the power to increase happiness and make people's lives better.
Another role of the crystal skull is to encourage the mind to access spiritual and universal knowledge. This makes it possible to receive specific information concerning our evolution or the evolution of our universe. This information can come in different forms either by: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, telepathy or simply by cellular impregnation.
The crystal skull helps us to get in touch with various levels of the unconscious to purify them, to raise consciousness and to bring out subconscious thoughts. The natural amplifying quantities of the crystal promote communication with our memories, our subconscious thoughts, the collective unconscious and our ancestral memory. This improves our creative capacity and our potential for realization.
There are several ways to work with Crystal Skulls for different purposes. When crystal skulls are arranged in a particular matrix or network (a type of force field), they amplify the power of intention. It is easy to program a crystal skull to establish a protective field around you and around your home or work space, which repels negative energies. You can use crystal skulls to form matrices or grids for attraction. These force fields increase the energy of what you desire to manifest physically, spiritually, or energetically. Crystal skulls are powerful healing allies in physical and mental illnesses.
Crystal skull enthusiasts, you will find crystal skulls in different types of minerals that can also be used in lithotherapy. These handcrafted quality skulls sculpted by artists are unique and carefully selected for their beauty, rarity and particularities.