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Chakana, Chacana, Andean Cross

The stone inlays consist of sodalite, mother-of-pearl, spondylus, turquoise: stones frequently used in artisanal creations in the Cuzco region. These stones are inlaid using the cloisonné technique, and separated from each other by a thin thickness of silver metal.
The Chakana embodies a comprehensive understanding of the world around us, with clear principles linked to the perception and representation of Time and Space. Its understanding and respect allow Andean populations who conform to it to access the highest levels of consciousness and coherence in relation to their cosmovision.
In Quechua the word chakay means “to cross” or “bridge”.
The hole in the center of the Chakana, symbolizes our unity with the universe and our connection with the world in heaven and earth. This hole is the axis mundi or cosmic axis, world axis or pillar of the world.
This symbol is found across cultures and is a form of point of exchange in life's ongoing journeys, allowing for open and fluid communication between the three worlds.
When Chakana is used for meditation or training/teaching, it is said to bring mental balance and deeper understanding to many levels of consciousness. The stepped cross with four corners, streaked with three steps each, is called the Inca cross or “Chacana”. The Chakana symbolizes the dynamic between the universe and the life it contains. Each of the three steps of a wedge is meant to have meaning:

The first quarter of the cross represents the energy levels or worlds:

  • The lower world (Uqhu Pasha) represented the underworld and death.
  • The middle world (Kay Pasha) represented the human lifeworld
  • The upper world (Hanan Pasha) included the stars, the celestial beings the Gods.

The second quarter represents their revered animals, corresponding to these worlds:

The 3 archetypes or sacred animal spirits:

  • The Condor – our ability to communicate with the skies and with spirits
  • The Puma – our ability to conquer our fears
  • The Serpent – ​​our ability to heal ourselves

The 3rd quarter represents:

The 3 principles aimed at helping Inca humanity in maintaining peace, balance and harmony in the world:

  • Llankay – To work on body and physical control.
  • Munay – Unconditional Love.
  • Yachay – Wisdom, and understanding beyond the intellect.

The fourth quarter represents human principles:

  • love and do well
  • awareness
  • work

The four arms of the chakana designate the four provinces of the Inca empire (Tawantinsuyu): Chinchaysuyo, Kollasuyo, Antisuyo and Contisuyo.

The ends of the Inca chakana also represent the four main stars of the Southern Cross, an important constellation to the Incas, who believed it to be the center of the Universe.
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