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OM or Aum Engraved Plaque in Selenite 10cm



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The "Om" symbol, also spelled "Aum", is a sacred and spiritual symbol that holds a central place in the religions and philosophies of India, such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It represents the primordial sound, the fundamental vibration from which the universe would have emerged according to these traditions.

The symbol "Om" is usually represented as a combination of three curves or lines, often accompanied by various meanings. Each element of this symbol is associated with a spiritual reality:

1. **A** - Represents creation, beginning and awakening.
2. **U** - Represents preservation, continuation and dreaming.
3. **M** - Represents dissolution, ending and deep sleep.

When all three sounds are combined, it represents the state of meditation and higher consciousness.

The "Om" symbol is often used in meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices to help connect with the universe and achieve a state of higher consciousness.

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