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Stone of transformation. It is the stone of the soul that overcomes fear. Stimulates inner vision and spiritual intuition, helps manage enormous spiritual burden by associating the heart chakra with the crown chakra, purifying the aura and stimulating unconditional love.
Encourages changing vibrations and brings one into contact with higher realities. At the same time, this crystal sparks deep physical and emotional healing, helping one accept the present as perfect. 
Integrates faults and facilitates acceptance of others. Releases deep-seated fears and is particularly helpful in overcoming opposition or putting things into perspective.
Gives direction, vigor and spontaneity, reduces stress and worry, encouraging a relaxed attitude. Helps overcome compulsions and obsessions,
By balancing the crown chakra, helps overcome a feeling of estrangement or frustration.
Stimulates penetrating observation and analysis, using them to facilitate rapid decision-making.

Anchors the spiritual self in daily reality. Promotes service to humanity, opens and balances the crown chakra, grants intuitive visions of past lives, suggests ways to correct personal and collective karma.
Transforms negative energy into healing and converts 
discomfort into well-being. Recharges the exhausted body with energy.
Grants deep sleep with powerful dreams.
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