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Optical Calcite

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Also called Island Spath, Optic Calcite works to cleanse and activate all chakras, enhancing the flow of energy through the subtle bodies.
Meditation with optic calcite can help improve one's perception of the physical world and self, creating change in those who experience predominantly negative emotions. One can use optical calcite to eliminate negative energy and to amplify positive energy, and more specifically, to help eliminate fear-based emotions, bringing more optimism into one's experience. 
Is useful for those who need clarity, and those who are learning about the law of attraction and manifestation. Much like clear quartz, optical calcite can amplify intention and can be programmed for a specific purpose.
Helps to see past mistakes and ways to correct them for future benefit. 

Is a powerful energy booster and cleanser. The purifying energy of Optical Calcite cleanses the negative energy stored in a room, the body, etc. 
Is also a good choice for distant healing work, as it amplifies the energy sent.
Opric Calcite is also known as the "Spirit Stone". Calcite increases mental discernment and analysis, increases memory and learning abilities.
Calcite is the stone for students and scholars, and can be indispensable in helping students retain their lessons. 
Can show us a new way of looking at a situation, thereby moving us away from old, outdated thought patterns that could get in the way of new ideas. Physically, calcite is associated with bones and joints, and balances the amount of calcium in the body. Calcite can also help improve the body's absorption of important vitamins and minerals.

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