8mm Grade A Kunzite Bracelet


Helps us attract healthy romantic relationships as well as loving and supportive friends and good co-workers. It promotes kindness, compassion and tolerance. It reduces stress and worry and helps relieve depression and anxiety.

Kunzite helps us maintain our focus and attention, on the heart chakra, Use to telepathically transmit loving thoughts to people. Transmutes and transforms discordant thoughts into harmonious interactions.

Kunzite reminds us that love is the answer to everything, Allows us to radiate love in a wide perimeter around our being. With the heart chakra, which is at the heart of our consciousness, love is what we really are. develops the sphere of love during meditations.

Amplifies our level of healing for ourselves as well as others.

Associated with the archangels, Gabriel, Haniel and Metatron,

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