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Stimulating dreams and their recall, in addition to encouraging their realization, helps the communication of intuitive vision and intensifies the capacity to organize and express one's thoughts. Very motivating, helps the person whose energies are scattered or exhausted by life to recover their strength and concentration.
Balances the telluric forces and hunts the bad waves in the houses.

*Cerussite is a stone of inner alchemy. For spiritual pioneers who want to transform, she can be a helpful ally, she stimulates the energies of the root chakra and connects them to the crown chakra. It builds a vibrational spiral that rises through the spine, energizing all the chakras along the way. In doing so it creates a pattern of realignment that reverberates through all levels of being, thus providing the opportunity to choose to restructure one's life to a higher level of spiritual functioning. It can also help those going through an unexpected transition, in their health, relationships, or self-awareness, to find the new pattern most appropriate for their life.

* Galena 
Stone of Harmony, engenders balance on all levels and harmonizes the physical, etheric and spiritual planes. Facilitating holistic healing, suitable for physicians, homeopaths and herbalists. Encourages research and testing. Anchors the soul in embodiment, helps to center oneself. Opens the mind, amplifying ideas and dispelling self-limiting mental assumptions of the past.

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